The good news is that there are numerous ways to reduce the mountain of debt. And the procedure is relatively independent of the type and amount of the debt.

As with wealth accumulation, the basic principle is: increase income, reduce expenditure. The mindset is particularly important. You have to be convinced that “borrowing consumer debt” is the worst thing you can do. If your mindset is more like “Oh, not that bad, I’m just taking out a small loan”, you should start here.

How to get out of debt fast super fast!

Because only when taking out a loan is no longer an option for you will you become creative in how you can save money and reduce existing debts? You will rethink every issue and postpone everything that is not absolutely vital to later. I wish for you that you gain this kind of strength for dealing with your finances in this situation.

If in doubt, you’d better not take a vacation. If a new car is absolutely necessary, you’d better take a cheap “scrap car” and maybe get by without credit.

Check costs

If you have one or more loans, check exactly how much interest you are paying for the money. Perhaps it is possible to reschedule so that you have a loan with lower interest rates. That relaxes the situation a little.

If you have the right to special repayment, make maximum use of it to quickly reduce the remaining term of the loans. The earlier the loan is gone, the cheaper it is usually.

Always pay off the most expensive loan first. Warning: The most expensive loan is not the loan with the highest rate, but the loan for which you pay the highest interest rate. The higher rate may be more of a nuisance to you, but you can save a lot of money in the long run if you prefer to eliminate loans with high-interest rates.

Rethink consumption and fixed costs

If you don’t already do it, keep a household book via app or analog. This allows you to log all inputs and outputs and see exactly whether you live above or below your circumstances.

You can also see where all your money is going and think about whether this spending is really vital. If you save an expense, put the money aside immediately or use it to balance your overdraft facility and cut this amount out of your budget. This psychological trick will help you spend less.

For example, if you’re a smoker and cut your cigarette consumption by half, always put aside half the amount you typically spend on cigarettes at the beginning of the month. “Out of sight, out of mind” is the motto that will help you here.

You should also check current contracts for gas, water, electricity, internet or mobile communications very carefully, as you can often save a lot of money with little effort. Once you replace a contract with a cheaper one, put the difference aside automatically at the beginning of the month.

The goal is not to replace each issue that you can save with another issue but with a higher savings rate. This will leave you with a decent amount for special repayments at the end of the year and will also build up a long-term security buffer.

Keep going!

Even if it may feel like at the beginning that all the effort is of no use, I can promise that if you stay on the ball in the long run that will change.

Stay tuned is the most important thing!

Saving is becoming easier and easier for you, the mountain of debt is getting smaller and the upward spiral is turning faster and faster.

It is important that you just continue as soon as you have gotten rid of your debts. Then at some point you will be ready for the next step, namely to invest your savings profitably.