You can also earn a lot of money with a traditional job. Commercial professions in particular are very suitable if you are looking for a high income. This is because you can supplement your regular salary. One of these professions is that of insurance agent. If you run it with motivation and can place many customers, a very high income is possible.
Requirements to work as a corporate owned life insurance agent
If you want to become a corporate owned life insurance agent, you first have to do an apprenticeship. It should be borne in mind that more than two thirds of the trainees have a general university entrance qualification. This makes getting started so much easier. However, it is also quite possible to get an apprenticeship with a certificate. In this case, however, you have to assume that you may have to search much longer. Theoretically, you can also get an apprenticeship without a school-leaving certificate.
In addition to training, which is an important basic requirement, personal suitability should of course also be given. As an insurance salesman, it is particularly important that you come across as trustworthy. Otherwise you will very quickly run into difficulties if you want to offer your insurance to the customer. It is also important that the other person can be assessed. So you should be able to adjust the insurance according to the customer’s wishes. Since constant customer contact is very important, social skills are generally of enormous importance.
But there should also be other personal characteristics if you are interested in the job of an insurance salesman. This also means that you have to have a certain level of perseverance. Bad days are not uncommon and also happen to the best insurance salesmen. So if you haven’t arranged insurance for several days, you don’t have to put your sand in your head. It can also go uphill again quickly.
What opportunities you have as an insurance salesman
In addition to the large amount of money that you can earn through commissions, the profession of insurance salesman offers even more opportunities. The most important thing is that you can continue to develop. There are numerous training opportunities available. You can specialize in certain areas and gain additional qualifications. This can help you get better paying jobs. In the best case, you not only have a better basic salary, but also higher commission payments. You should not forget that your own knowledge can be marketed elsewhere.